Covid-19 Outbreak: Dos and Don’ts

Covid-19 Outbreak: Dos and Don’ts

The world is bearing dramatic changes nowadays. Covid-19 quickly spreads throughout the world and makes large-scale social and behavioral changes in our lifestyle. Afterward, we maintain major changes introduced all at once.

Till now we receive constantly changing information about the pandemic through mass media and other sources. Nevertheless, there are some simple things that need to be considered to slow or decrease the risk of infection. 

The best protocols to follow during the pandemic are self-quarantining and social distancing. Although many areas are enforcing lockdowns and shelter in place orders, most parks, beaches, recreational facilities are open for public use.

Here we have put some useful information together to help everyone handle this outbreak. Let’s dig into that a little bit more.

Coronavirus prevention Do’s

✔️ Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for more than 20 seconds. 

✔️ Stay at home and limit contact with others.

✔️ Routinely disinfect high-traffic spaces around your home, if possible.

✔️ Clean more touchable surfaces such as tables, desks, phones, tablets, and keyboards.

✔️ Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

✔️ Wear a face mask that reaches above your nose and below your chin.

✔️ Straighten your immune system.

Coronavirus prevention Don’ts

✖ Touch your face 

✖ Contact with your pets if you have or think you might have COVID-19.

✖ Participate in social gatherings (you can get together “virtually”)

Visiting parks and recreational facilities during Covid-19

Our parks and green spaces don’t just provide us with a special space for spending our time outdoors, breathing fresh air and exercise, but also are a lifeline that is important for physical and mental wellbeing.


✔️ Visit parks that are close to your home.

✔️ Prepare before you visit, take the most important items with you (face masks, hand sanitizer, etc).

✔️ Keep 6 feet (2 meters) distance from others. 

✔️ Go out and exercise each day alone or with members of your household.

✔️ Play it safe around and in swimming pools. Keep space between yourself and others.

✔️ Maintain distance when meeting one other person from another household.

✔️ Wash your hands before leaving home and as soon as you return from outside avoiding touching surfaces (gates or hand-rails) then your mouth and face.


✖ Forget about social distancing.

✖ Visit parks, green spaces, and recreational areas if you have any symptoms or were recently exposed to COVID-19.

✖ Visit crowded parks.

✖ Use playgrounds.

✖ Use hot tubs or spas, water playgrounds or parks.

✖ Participate in organized activities or sports.

Grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic

The more people we communicate with, the higher the risk of virus transmission. Take some precautions while going or doing shopping.


✔️ If possible, order online. Get the items delivered or pick up curbside.

✔️ If you have to go in person, you can go early in the morning or later in the evening.

✔️ Wear a face covering.

✔️ Stay at least 6 feet away from others not in your household.

✔️ Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers after paying.

✔️ After leaving the shop and putting away your items, wash your hands with soap and water immediately.


✖ Go to crowded shops.

✖ Touch your face.

✖ Stay near other people.

✖ Sneeze and cough in public space. 

✖ Go out if you have any symptoms or have come in contact with someone who’s sick.

Taking care of your pets during the pandemic 

Sharing lives with companion animals brings immediate joy and comfort. Keep in mind these steps while having pets. 


✔️ Keep pets indoors as much as possible.  

✔️ Keep your dogs on a leash outside. 

✔️ Ensure you can safely keep 2 meters away from other people and animals.

✔️ Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub immediately before and after touching the pets, their food, or supplies.


✖ Gather at parks or other public places with other people and pets.

✖ Ignore local regulations regarding park and trail closures.

Even when lockdown restrictions are eased, coronavirus still continues to be dangerous. On the one hand, it proves to be a disease of uncertainty that has brought countries to a standstill. On the other hand, it has forced us to reevaluate our lives, make a change for the better, and be a  big believer that the best days are ahead. Everything feels new and overwhelming!